Collects values down a potential field.
Collects values down a potential field.
type of the potential field
type of the values to be collected/accumulated
the field providing the direction of the collection process
the function describing how values are to be collected
the value field providing the value to be collected for each device
zero value for accumulation and for neighbours for which the current device is *not* a parent in the field
the accumulation value for each device according to its position in the potential field
the collection of the number of devices for which predicate
is true
Collects a set by merging values
Collects a map by merging map entries
Collects a map by merging map entries
potential field
maps to be merged
function specifying how to merge entries with the same key
the collect field of the merged maps
the collect field of the mean of the value
Collects a set by merging sets
Collects values as a map by preserving the sources of those values
the ID of the "parent device" along a potential
field, i.e.,
the neighbour with the smallest value of the potential field.
the parent device UID of the current device along field potential
or None if no such a parent is there (so that the device is parent of itself).
(Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.