the current position in space
the current local time
the duration since the last round of execution
Time forward view: expected time from the device computation to neighbor's next computation incorporating that information.
Time forward view: expected time from the device computation to neighbor's next computation incorporating that information. For device's neighbors, it is the best estimate that the underlying system can provide. For the current device, it is like deltaTime().
This is the idea, pictorially:
PAST PRESENT FUTURE TIME ----------------------------------------------|--------------> X N X ------------lag------------
Time backward view: how long ago information from neighbors was received.
Time backward view: how long ago information from neighbors was received. For device's neighbors, it is the time of the computation minus the timestamp on the packet. Dropped packets temporarily increase nbrLag. For the current device, it is like deltaTime().
Get the distance between the current device and its neighbors.
Get the direction vectors towards neighbours.
Get the direction vectors towards neighbours.
a point of type P, assuming the currently executing device is the origin
a random double from 0 to 1
a random double from 0 to 1
the current time in milliseconds since epoch
(Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.