Defines a behavior for managing actuators.
Base trait for all device actors.
Defines a behavior for managing neighbours' info.
Defines a "full" device that, in addition to sensing (SensingBehavior), it also performs a computation, locally, using an {{aggregateExecutor}}.
It extends a ComputationDeviceActor with a DynamicDeviceLifecycleBehavior.
It extends a ComputationDeviceActor with a DynamicDeviceLifecycleBehavior. In other words, the computation device has a (possibly dynamic) lifecycle that depends on the current execution scope (see ExecScope).
Defines a device lifecycle behavior that depends on the field {{execScope}.
Defines a device lifecycle behavior that depends on the field {{execScope}. The characteristic is that the behavior is dynamic, namely, can accomodate change to its execution scope. (See ExecScope)
Extends a ComputationDeviceActor with an ObservableActorBehavior.
Extends a ComputationDeviceActor with an ObservableActorBehavior. In other wards, it defines a computation device actors that is also observable, that is, can handle a set of observers and can notify them when certain events occur. In particular, observers are notified:
Defines the query management behavior of a "queryable" device, i.e., a device that can be asked/queried for information.
Defines the basic sensing behavior of a device.
Defines the basic sensing behavior of a device. It might be used to represent a "minimal" device that performs no computation locally.
Defines a behavior for managing sensors.
(Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.